Whitney Walpole is the owner of Culture Counts, and one of the co-creators of Breakthrough Conversations. She has coached executives and teams for over 30 years, helping them to build great work cultures and create breakthroughs in performance and teamwork when they are stuck. Whitney and her team leverage Breakthrough Conversations as a powerful toolkit and roadmap to help organizations build greater trust, collaboration, alignment, productivity and better results.
Sarah White Carr is one of the original creators of Breakthrough Conversations. She brings more than 25 years of experience coaching and developing executives in the areas of leadership and communication. Sarah’s experience has taught her that clear, direct and powerful conversations are at the heart of what strong leaders and teams do to thrive. And while communication is essential, it can be difficult to do. Her passion for helping leaders have all kinds of conversations – difficult ones, creative ones, one-on-ones and team meetings – keeps her at the cutting edge of how to do this simply and powerfully. Sarah’s unique power to coach leaders and teams and to design training experiences comes from her ability to simplify concepts and demystify what seems like communication and leadership jargon. Sarah helps leaders learn how to transform their communication and effectiveness, and ultimately leaves her clients with simple tools to transform their most difficult issues.